Configuration with Template::HashExpand

By Ben Tilly ([email protected])

Work originally sponsored by ZipRecruiter

What is Configuration?

Approach #1, multiple files

Approach #1, tradeoffs

Approach #2, unified config file

Approach #2, tradeoffs

Approach #3, external build

Approach #3, tradeoffs

Configuration structure

Where is the repetition?

Example of developer's overrides

    cron_dir => '/home/btilly/sandbox/files/cron',
    tmp_dir  => '/home/btilly/sandbox/files/tmp',
    email    => {
      support_email  => 'Support <[email protected]>',
      pager_email    => 'Pagers <[email protected]>',
    session => {
      cookie_name  => 'example_session_btilly',
      expires      => 60 * 60 * 24 * 14,
      expires_long => 60 * 60 * 24 * 60,
      storage      => '/home/btilly/sandbox/files/session',
      unlink_on_exit => 0,

Templating could help

    default_email  => '[% user %]',
    root_files_dir => '/home/[% user %]/sandbox/files',
    cron_dir => '[% root_files_dir %]/cron',
    tmp_dir  => '[% root_files_dir %]/tmp',
    email    => {
      support_email  => 'Support <[% default_email %]>',
      pager_email    => 'Pagers <[% default_email %]>',
    session => {
      cookie_name  => 'example_session_[% user %]',
      expires      => 60 * 60 * 24 * 14,
      expires_long => 60 * 60 * 24 * 60,
      storage      => '[% root_files_dir %]/session',
      unlink_on_exit => 0,


  • Put all of that in your sandbox
  • Have a developer config override of {user => 'btilly'}
  • After merge, Template::HashExpand::expand_hash($config) returns the expanded hash
  • At ZipRecruiter, even with Template::HashExpand included inline, this shrank the configuration file by 20%
  • Adding new configuration variables is now massively easier

Best Practices

  • Any repeated text is a candidate to become a new key/value
  • Anything that you think someone might want to override is a candidate to become a new key/value
  • Any nested piece of data that someone might want to override should become a top-level key/value
  • Consider making a generic way to override parts of the config at run-time (eg default_email)

We have enough templating engines

  • Everyone should know this by now
  • But everyone thinks that their problem is different
  • Did CPAN search
  • Did not find anything like this
  • Sorry...

Features I wanted

  • {foo => 'blat', bar => '[% foo %]'} should substitute in 'blat'
  • But {foo => '\[% foo %]'} should give '[% foo %]'
  • If baz depends on bar depends on foo, do the right thing
  • Given {foo => 'blat', bar => {baz => '[% foo %]'}} want baz to get substituted
  • This is exactly what Template::HashExpand provides, no more, no less

How to implement

  • Make a "to do" hash of what needs to be examined for substitutions
  • Do a series of passes through the data structure I am expanding
  • In each pass, try substitutions that have not been successfully done, update "to do"
  • Quit when all substitutions are done, or no progress was made in a pass

How to parse

  • First you turn text into a list of tokens
  • Then you turn those tokens into structure, and do stuff with it
  • You can use recursion to do this, that is called "Recursive Descent"
  • Or you can use a variant of a state machine, this is called "Shift-Reduce"

Recursive Descent Parsers

  • Take a token
  • Try to use the token one way in our grammar
  • Try to parse the rest of the string
  • If that fails, backtrack, try to use the token a different way
  • Most hand-written parsers use recursive-descent
  • If you know regular expression engines, this is like an NFA engine

Shift-Reduce Parsers

  • There is a stack of states you may be in
  • Decide action based on current top state, and current token
  • One option is to put a new state on the stack (shift)
  • Or you can pop off some set of states, reduce them according to some rule, and push on a new state (reduce)
  • Easiest to generate with automated tools like YACC
  • Conceptually an analog of a DFA regular expression engine

HashExpand is very simple

  • Trivial grammar
  • While writing it, I was thinking in terms of shift-reduce
  • Parsing is only one deep
  • Let's look at the code

